I am Godric Zhyr Miguel, son of Carlo and Cherise.
I was born on December 18, 2002. (but I welcome presents any day of the year!)
I have yet to fulfill my destiny and I have my whole life ahead of me.

Would you mind feeding my pets first? You might enjoy it!

Monday, October 5, 2009

White Merit Card, Nestle Double Dutch Ice Cream, Hawk Bag & Flavors of China

Today was the first school day after the long break due to Ondoy. We were all asked to go to the ISO building for ARC Distribution and then they started calling honor students up on stage and gave out merit cards and certificates. They called out my name!

Our class adviser, Ms. Siony called us in front of the classroom again and gave out certificates too. I'm glad I belong to the Top 10 students and even more glad that I got a white merit card.

I told Mommy about my surprise as soon as I got home. I asked if I could have a lot of ice cream and of course she said yes but I think she was surprised when I finished the whole thing. Even I was surprised!

I called Daddy and told him about my surprise too. I was asking him to buy the stuff that I needed for the donation in school tomorrow but he said he would come pick us up so we can celebrate. Yippie! I didn't waste any more time so I took a bath and got dressed quickly.

We went to SM so that we could buy a new bag because my Superman bag was in very bad shape already. We didn't think it could wait until Christmas. I checked out the Hawk Bag I wanted but I was shocked that it was so expensive!

I told them I wanted to look around some more because maybe they have other good ones. Daddy was surprised to find me looking at clothes! Haha. I convinced them to buy me some too!

We didn't really find any other heavy duty bags so I got the Hawk Bag that I wanted. Before we went to the counter I made some last minute pleas to buy some of my favorite food. Yum!

When we were done shopping they let me choose where to eat and what to eat. I picked Flavors of China! I took time picking out the food I wanted but for some weird reason they were all out of stock! I was disappointed but we didn't want to transfer anymore so we just ordered other dishes.
My Mango Shake and Mommy's bottomless Hi-C Apple!
I love them both! Maybe I drank more Hi-C then Mommy did!

Pork Siomai. I was looking for Siomai with Quail Eggs like in Monkok but they didn't have that so we just ordered this.

Seafood Fried Rice. We tried this out. It was okay but we should have ordered Yang Chow. That is really my ultimate favorite rice.

Beef Brisket. We wanted Spareribs and Pork Chops but they were out.

Steamed Fish Fillet with Tofu and Taosi. We wanted Fish Fillet in Black Bean Sauce but that was out of stock too.


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Have a Miguelicious Day!

Godric Zhyr Miguel

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