I am Godric Zhyr Miguel, son of Carlo and Cherise.
I was born on December 18, 2002. (but I welcome presents any day of the year!)
I have yet to fulfill my destiny and I have my whole life ahead of me.

Would you mind feeding my pets first? You might enjoy it!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Greenwich at SM City, Sucat

After I finished all my homework, I went with Mommy to SM Sucat to buy some stuff. I promised I wouldn't ask her to buy me any clothes or toys or books or food or anything! I wasn't really able to keep that promise. Hehe.

I asked Mommy to take my picture at this huge wall on the walkway between the two buildings.

When we were done walking around the two malls, my feet were really hurting and I was so hungry! I wanted to eat at Flavors of China but Mommy said no because it was only the two of us and we couldn't finish the meals there. I finally settled for Greenwich again. We ate while waiting for Daddy to fetch us.

Mommy ordered Lasagna Supreme. I liked it too!

I ordered the same thing from yesterday.
Spaghetti with Chicken Pops

Four Seasons for me and Tropicooler for Mommy

We also ordered Extreme Cheese and Sausage Overload Pizza for Daddy.

I still look tired, right? Can't wait to get home and get some sleep!


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Have a Miguelicious Day!

Godric Zhyr Miguel

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