I am Godric Zhyr Miguel, son of Carlo and Cherise.
I was born on December 18, 2002. (but I welcome presents any day of the year!)
I have yet to fulfill my destiny and I have my whole life ahead of me.

Would you mind feeding my pets first? You might enjoy it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 1 Baguio Trip: Lion's Head, Petron, Peredo's Inn, Mile High, 50's Diner

We went to Baguio again! We wanted to take Grandpa with us but he had work. Mom talked to my teacher and had me excused for class next week. I finished all my homework before leaving! Grandpa already reminded Dadd to have the van checked before leaving. I'm not really sure what happened but we had some trouble right when we reached the Lion's head. We stayed there for about two hours while they fixed the engine. Good thing there were strawberry taho vendors. We even bought the burgers cooked near the road and bought drinks there too!

When th van was finally fixed, we brought it to the nearest service station so they could double check and make sure everything is alright. They replaced some parts and we were stuck there for about two more hours! There goes the rest of the day. We were pretty deadbeat by the time they finished. We tried to look for other places to stay at but we still liked Peredo's Inn best so we stayed there again.

After resting for a bit, we went to Mile High and did some shopping. The grown-ups mostly bought clothes and jackets. I bought goodies! Hah! That night, we had dinner at 50's Diner. We actually loved their food. I wonder if it was also because we were starving for several hours while waiting for the van to get fixed! :D


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Have a Miguelicious Day!

Godric Zhyr Miguel

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