I am Godric Zhyr Miguel, son of Carlo and Cherise.
I was born on December 18, 2002. (but I welcome presents any day of the year!)
I have yet to fulfill my destiny and I have my whole life ahead of me.

Would you mind feeding my pets first? You might enjoy it!

Friday, January 24, 2003

Tarlac Trip: Lola Tarci's 89th Birthday at La Maja Rica and Outreach at McDonald's

It was my first time to Visit Tarlac. We went there with Lola Tarci to celebrate her 89th Birthday! That was her hometown and also where all her kids grew up. We stayed at La Maja Rica Hotel and Restaurant with Mom, Grandma, Tita Leah, Tita Kat, Lola Tarci, Lola Malou, Ninang Michelle, Lolo Pat, and Aling Sylvia. Lola had a big party with lots of friends and relatives!

Here are some of our pictures from the hotel.

L-R Ninang Michelle, Tita Kat, Tita Leah, Grandma, Lola Malou, Lolo Pat, Me and Mom, and Lola Tarci in front

We also went to McDonald's and my pals Ronald and Hamburglar were there to greet us! For her birthday, Lola had an outreach program for some of the kids in Tarlac. It was nice to see so many happy kids. An outreach is a nice way to celebrate birthdays!

L-R Grandma, Tita Kat, Me, Tita Leah, Mom, Lola Malou, Lola Tarci, Lolo Pat, Hamburglar, Ninang Michelle, Lola Nita

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Sunday, January 19, 2003

Baptism - More Pictures!

L-R Tita Angelo, Lolo Jojo, Ninang Connie, Lola Maja, Ninong Louie

L-R Tito Marlon, Dad, Me, Mom, Tita Kathy, Tito Alan, Tito Jeff, Tito Jason, Tita Ayie

With Ninang Peng and Ate Joyce

Boy, that was a very long day!
Time to sleep now.
Good night world!

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Baptism - Relatives and Friends

More pictures taken at home after my baptism.

Mom, Dad and Me

With Lola Tarci

With Ninang Michelle

L-R Lola Malou, Tita Leah, Tita Princess, Dad, Me, Mom, Ninang Michelle, Lola Mel, Lolo Pat, Tita Kat, Tita Mikki, Tita Marissa

Front: Tito Bon and Kuya Josh

L-R Tito Ryhdel, Lola Ching Pat, Mom, Dad, Me, Ama, Lola Emily, Tito RG

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Baptism - Home Pictures

L-R Dad, Ninong Arnel, Ama, Me, Mom

With Ninang Candy

With Ninong Rey, Ninong Habagat and Tito Archie

L-R Ninang Candy, Tita Jenny, Dad, Me, Mom, Ninang Citadel, Ninong Arnel

With Ninong Vincent

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Baptism - More People!

More pictures!

Front: L-R Daddy, Mommy, Me, Tita Ninang Beth, Ninang Peng, Tita Ninang Mikki
Middle: Ninang Michelle, Ninang Citadel, Ninong Homer, Ninong Habagat, Ninong Rey
Back: L-R Ninang Candy, Ninong Arnel

Whoa! So many people!

Front: L-R Kuya Luigi, Tita Marissa, Kuya Josh, Tita Kat, Ate Joyce, Mom, Dad, Me, Ama, Tita Jenny, Ninang Citadel, Lola Malou, Lolo Mandy
Middle: L-R Lola Maja, Tita Princess, Tita Leah, Tita Hannah, NInang Connie, Tita Mikki, Ninang Michelle, Ninang Peng, Ninang Beth, Ninang Candy
Back: L-R Grandpa, Grandma, Tito Archie, Lolo Jojo, Ninong Rey, Tito Angelo, Ninong Louie, Ninong Homer, Ninong Arnel, Ninong Habagat, Lolo Larry

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Baptism - Ninongs and Ninangs

A group picture with some of my Ninongs and Ninangs

Front: L-R Mommy, Daddy, Me, Ning Citadel
Middle: L-R Ninang Connie, Ninang Mikki, Ninang Michelle, Ninang Peng, Ninang Beth, Ninang Candy
Back: L-R Ninong Rey, Ninong Louie, Ninong Homer, Ninong Arnel, Ninong Habagat

Ninongs and Ninangs plus Grandparents!

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Baptism - Friends and Family

Here were some friends and family who celebrated with us.

L-R Tita Kat, Grandma, Grandpa, Lolo Larry, Lola Malou, Kuya Josh, Tita Marissa

L-R Tita Jenny, Ama Nene, Tito Archie, Tita Princess, Ate Joyce, Tita Leah, Tita Hannah, Tita Kat

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My Baptism at Our Lady of Unity Parish (OLUP)

First off, here I am excited about my big day!
Oh and uh, those are Grandpa's legs! :D

They were welcoming me to the Christian World!
Father Joel Ador was the one who baptized me at Our Lady of Unity Parish (OLUP).

With Father Joel, my parents and grandparents

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Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Visiting Ama Nene at Pao

These were taken when we visited Daddy's old house in Pao.

Pictures of me with Daddy's Mom, Ama Nene!

Back home at last! It has been a long day.
Look at me yawning. I must have been very sleepy!

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Have a Miguelicious Day!

Godric Zhyr Miguel

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