I am Godric Zhyr Miguel, son of Carlo and Cherise.
I was born on December 18, 2002. (but I welcome presents any day of the year!)
I have yet to fulfill my destiny and I have my whole life ahead of me.

Would you mind feeding my pets first? You might enjoy it!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Dugtong Buhay, Timezone, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at Gateway

We didn't have class today because of the Dugtong Buhay blood donations that will run until tomowwo. Mommy has a two-day seminar so we couldn't spend the entire weekend with her but I tagged along with Daddy as we took her to the venue in Cubao.

Mommy suggested that Daddy and I checkout Gateway Mall because we haven't been there yet and we might as well watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince while we're at it. That was a great idea so we headed over to Gateway after we left Mommy. I liked it. It was big and clean and cool and they even had a garden!

Of course they were showing Harry Potter! I was too excited I didn't even eat much of the food Daddy bought for us. He ended up finishing two huge bags of popcorn and I think he fell asleep during the movie! I wish Mommy could have seen it with us.

Before we fetched Mommy late in the afternoon we had some snacks and we also had a fun time at Timezone! Yippie! Ultimate bonding moment with Daddy!

On the way home I recognized the streets where we passed. I told Mommy and Daddy that was where we accompanied Lola Bing and Lola Ner when they went to their friend's house. They were both surprised that I still remembered. I think I'm pretty good at remembering places!


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Have a Miguelicious Day!

Godric Zhyr Miguel

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