I am Godric Zhyr Miguel, son of Carlo and Cherise.
I was born on December 18, 2002. (but I welcome presents any day of the year!)
I have yet to fulfill my destiny and I have my whole life ahead of me.

Would you mind feeding my pets first? You might enjoy it!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Dugtong Buhay, Timezone, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at Gateway

We didn't have class today because of the Dugtong Buhay blood donations that will run until tomowwo. Mommy has a two-day seminar so we couldn't spend the entire weekend with her but I tagged along with Daddy as we took her to the venue in Cubao.

Mommy suggested that Daddy and I checkout Gateway Mall because we haven't been there yet and we might as well watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince while we're at it. That was a great idea so we headed over to Gateway after we left Mommy. I liked it. It was big and clean and cool and they even had a garden!

Of course they were showing Harry Potter! I was too excited I didn't even eat much of the food Daddy bought for us. He ended up finishing two huge bags of popcorn and I think he fell asleep during the movie! I wish Mommy could have seen it with us.

Before we fetched Mommy late in the afternoon we had some snacks and we also had a fun time at Timezone! Yippie! Ultimate bonding moment with Daddy!

On the way home I recognized the streets where we passed. I told Mommy and Daddy that was where we accompanied Lola Bing and Lola Ner when they went to their friend's house. They were both surprised that I still remembered. I think I'm pretty good at remembering places!

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ESS Drumbeating Program for Dugtong Buhay

We have school activities in coordination with Dugtong Buhay, the blood letting project in school. Today we came in dominant red shirts and we all brough with us red handkerchiefs that we used in the drumbeating program for the parade.

We were all encouraged to bring blood donors for the Dugtong Buhay.
The class with the highest number of donors would also get a special prize like a free field trip day or something like that. Studenta aalso get some free credits for bringin in donors.
I wonder who I could bring...

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cupcakes for Adopted School of ESS

Today we brought some cupcakes that the school would donate to the students from the school that we adopted. This was also in line with the upcoming Dugtong Buhay project. I love chocolate cupcakes myself and I often have a hard time controlling myself from finishing the whole batch!

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Food for the Jhonies and Garies

Today was our section's turn to bring food for the Feed the Garies and Jhonies Program in school. Students could bring any type of food and drinks that would be distributed to the guards and janitors who work for the school. I brought sandwiches and juice. I hope they liked it!

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Godric Zhyr Miguel

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