I am Godric Zhyr Miguel, son of Carlo and Cherise.
I was born on December 18, 2002. (but I welcome presents any day of the year!)
I have yet to fulfill my destiny and I have my whole life ahead of me.

Would you mind feeding my pets first? You might enjoy it!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

McDonald's BF after Church

We rested for a bit after we got home from Lola Ner's party and then we went to church as usual. I've been begging Grandpa to pick McDonald's for our usual Sunday dinners after mass for the past Sundays but it is kind of hard to convince grown-ups to choose fast food. He finally said yes this time so I got to have fun at the playland! Last time I was there was when Mommy was reviewing for board exams but she found the place too loud so she just waited for me to finish playing. :D

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Acacia Party Place in Greenhills for Lola Ner's 79th Birthday!

The plan today was for Daddy and me to go to Batangas to help Tito Michael because he was transferring to a different house but then Grandpa called and told Mommy about Lola Ner's birthday party. He forgot to tell us earlier! I told Tito Michael we wouldn't be able to go to Batangas and he sait it was okay so we all got ready for the party.

We passed by Virtual Point before leaving and ended up waiting for Daddy to fix connection problems inside. We were beginning to think we weren't gonna make it but then he came out and we were good to go. When Grandpa reached the venue we were still at the shop!

The food was really good and Lola Ner seemed so happy, maybe because her children were complete. Her kids went home from the US and surprised her. She was all made up but she thought she was just going to get her picture taken. Friends and relatives all said good things about Lola Ner and they gave her something like a debut equivalent in Ilokano, I think. I'm not sure what it was called. The guys (including me!) also gave her flowers and we threw some coins while singing happy birthday to her.

I bugged Mommy to lend me the camera so I could take pictures of the party but all my shots were blurred. I guess I need more practice and we need to ask Lola Ner for copies of the pictures. I tried to take some of Grandpa too but they were also blurry.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

No Classes, Cleaning Up and Chess

The school activities are finally over and we get today as our rest day! Daddy and I fixed and rearranged the room. He threw out a lot of stuff and transferred the others to different places of the house. He even brought out one of the big cabinets in the room. I have to admit, the room looks more spacious right now. It was pretty tiring but we shoul have done this a long time ago!

Mommy also taught me the basics of chess. I didn't even know I was playing it the wrong way. I guess I just made up my own rules when I was younger. At least now I'm learning and hopefully soon I could beat the grown-ups and become a chess master! :D

In case anyone is having a hard time deciding what to get me on my birthday, here is a tip for you!

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Video: Foundation Week at Elizabeth Seton School

Elizabeth Seton School celebrated Linggo ng Wika and the school's Foundation Day this week. Today we came in our filipino attire for a campus parade. Mommy and Daddy said they couldn't make it so I was really surprised to see them outside the classroom right before the parade! That was quite a nice surprise.

We were supposedly taking class pictures with our adviser, Miss Siony, but the grown-ups had trouble getting all of us to stay still!

We all brought food to share with the rest of the class for the KAMPISE. When we were done eating and with all the activities, I had a chance to check out the booths with Mom and Dad. They let me play several games and I won so many prizes! They didn't let me try the rides though because it was the middle of the day and it was so hot, plus I get to try different rides at the malls all the time so it was okay.

I loved this day! The only thing I didn't like about it is that I lost the transformers pencilcase Daddy got for me. It must have fallen out of my bag.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

TV5 Prizes and Pasalubong from Tita Cess

This afternoon Tita Cess came by. She just got back from Switzerland a few days ago and brought us some pasalubong. I have yummy chocolates plus a giant pencil and a giant sharpener!

Today was also the first day of our foundation week and linggo ng wika in school. TV5 was there and I got a prize for winning some games. Today was a lot of fun!

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Las Paellas Cafe in BF Homes

After mass we went to BF Homes and ended up eating at Las Paellas Cafe. We ordered paella valenciana, calamares fritos, chicken al ajillo, baked eggplant and my very own pork chop adaluz! They all ordered bottomless iced tea while I ordered a mango shake. Mommy said I could order dessert if we finish all the food in the table. I ate a lot to help them out because the desserts were looking so yummy! They were out of blueberry cheesecake so I chose the double chocolate tower cake. It was so rich I had a hard time finishing it. Good thing they all helped me out. That night I had a hard time falling asleep. Maybe I had too much sugar!

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Ninoy Aquino Day - No Classes!

Today is a holiday so we have no class. Mom says it is Ninoy Aquino's 26th death anniversary. Before President Cory Aquino died I had no idea who he was but we've been learning about him in school these past few days and Mommy has been telling me lots of stories. All of that was before my time! At least I know who Kris Aquino is. :D

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Yellow Cab at Doña Soledad in Bicutan

Today we went to Yellow Cab Pizza Co. in Doña Soledad, Bicutan. Mommy asked Grandpa why we didn't just go to the one in Santana since that was nearer and Grandpa said he forgot there was one in Santana! Old age, maybe? Kidding!

We ordered New York's finest pizza, twice baked potato halves, hot wings and the new pasta, chicken alfredo which was really good!

Mommy told me to try Sola strawberry iced tea but I insisted on ordering Minute Maid. I love the orange pulps! But then I took a sip from Mommy's Sola and ended up finishing the entire bottle so we asked Daddy to buy her another one... and another one for me too! :D

The night would have gone great except for the fact that I threw a tantrum and got in trouble. Mom, Dad and Grandpa were all pretty upset with me so I didn't get any ice cream for dessert. I fell asleep on the way home thinking of ice cream. :D

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Godric Zhyr Miguel

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