I am Godric Zhyr Miguel, son of Carlo and Cherise.
I was born on December 18, 2002. (but I welcome presents any day of the year!)
I have yet to fulfill my destiny and I have my whole life ahead of me.

Would you mind feeding my pets first? You might enjoy it!

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

New Year at a Carnival!

Mommy, Daddy, Ate Linda, Ninang Peng, Ate Joyce, Ate Mikey and I went to the carnival and stayed there to welcome the New year. They had some wonderful fireworks display and great rides for us kids!

Having fun at the rides!

We took more pictures when we got home.
Welcome 2004!!!

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Tuesday, December 30, 2003

New Year Reunion at Marikina

Before my titas and grandparents moved to the US, Christmas reunions were always done in our house and the New Year reunion in Grandma's side was always done in Lola Malou's house.
This was my first time to go toMarikina for a family reunion!

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Thursday, December 25, 2003

Christmas 2003

It was finally time for Noche Buena.
We almost didn't have one this year.
Mommy, Daddy, Ate Linda and Manang all got food poisoned and were in bed rest for the last few days. When Mommy got up tonight she realized it was Christmas Eve and her birthday and we didn't have anything prepared!
We bought almost all the food at the last minute.
Good thing the stores were still open.

After Mom and Dad's friends left we all rested for quite a bit then got up at around midnight to eat and welcome Christmas day.

I was really glad to see my gifts!

And I was even more thrilled that I could finally open them!

Ate Joyce was sleeping over for a few days so she also spent Christmas with us. Here are some of our pictures after we changed and got ready for bed.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Mommy's Birthday in 2003

Mommy's friends came by to celebrate her birthday with us.
We took a few pictures before they left.
Happy birthday, Mommy!
L-R Ninang Peng, Tita Cess, Tito Edwin, Ate Joyce, Mommy, Daddy and Me

Ninang Peng and Ate Joyce

Me and Daddy!

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Thursday, December 18, 2003

My First Birthday Party!!!

Today is my first birthday.
I just turned one!
Relatives and friends came over to celebrate with us.
I had lots and lots of fun!

My cake came from Ninang Connie!

For some reason I was so fascinated with the ceiling fan and the chandelier!

I like it when Grandpa does this!

Tita Cess just arrived from Abu Dhabi and she came straight from the airport with Tita Chastine, Lola Leny and Kuya Lawrence.

Ninong Homer also came!

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Godric Zhyr Miguel

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